A veteran civil engineer, author and screenplay writer with a passion for the creative process.
J. Luke Bennecke is a native Californian and veteran civil engineer who has spent his career helping people by improving Southern California roadways. He has a civil engineering degree, an MBA, a private pilot’s certificate, and is a partner in an engineering firm. In his role as philanthropist, he awards scholarships annually to high school seniors at his alma mater.
In addition to his first book, Civil Terror: Gridlock, an Amazon bestseller, Bennecke has written several other novels and screenplays, a creative process he thoroughly enjoys. His second Jake Bendel thriller, Waterborne, was published in 2021 by Black Rose Writing.
Bennecke resides in Southern California with his wife of over 30 years and three spunky cats and. In his leisure time he enjoys traveling, playing golf, learning about innovative tech and spending time with his grown daughters. Bennecke is a member of International Thriller Writers and looks forward to attending ThrillerFest every year in New York.
Find out more at J. Luke Bennecke’s website.
Waterborne (2021)
Civil Terror: Gridlock (2018)
Your biggest literary influences:
J.D. Barker, Stephen King, Dan Brown, Tom Clancy
Last book read:
James Patterson & J.D. Barker, The Death of the Black Widow
The book that changed your life:
Stephen King’s 11-22-63 … the way he transported me as the reader back in time where every time I picked up that book and started reading, I felt like I was in the 1950’s, in the 1960’s, right there witnessing the assassination. Hypnotic writing at the highest level, a goal for me to achieve as a writer … eventually!
Currently working on:
1) Final edits for Blackout, the third Jake Bendel thriller, 2) new writing for a sci-fi thriller tentatively titled Time Goggles and 3) an outline for the second book in the unpublished “Echo” series.
Words to live by:
Be kind to people and never make assumptions about them.
Advice for aspiring authors:
Write every single day no matter what. When life gets in the way, tell it to take a hike. Make writing a priority!
Articles / Reviews:
KTLA TV Interview
The Detroit News
The Press-Enterprise
Auto Newsblaster